We have been learning about the 5 School Values we have at Tamaki Primary school. They are:
Ako; Teaching and Learning
Manaakitanga; Kindness
Mana Tangata; Respect
Kaitiakitanga; Gaurdianship, Looking after environment and people
Whanaungatanga; Positive Relationships
Today, we had a buddy time to share our learning with our buddy class, Room 8. In groups, we talked about what the school values are, how to show the school values, and gave examples of showing school values in our behaviour.
With our Buddy Class, Room 8 we joined in one of the 5 groups. In each group we talked about what we LEARNT about our School Values, we CREATED a poster for each School Value, and then videoed our ideas to make a movie to be SHARED at the school assembly.
Here is our movie.