Friday, August 21, 2020

Kyrie's Ako at Home

Kyrie has been very busy learning during this week. He has been following his lessons online and completing some Reading, Writing and Maths work. Here are Kyrie's work. Ka pai, Kyrie for working hard! These are the sight words Kyrie learnt from the book I Can Read.
In our Maths lessons, we learnt about 2D shapes and decided to look for those shapes around us. Here are the objects in which Kyrie saw different shapes.
Then Kyrie practised drawing these shapes and created a castle out of shapes.


  1. Amazing ako Kyrie. You have been working so hard throughout this lock down period even teaching me a few things or two. Keep it up. :)

  2. Kyrie this is amazing! You have done so much mahi this week. Thank you to your mum and big brother/sister who helped you out I'm sure. You are so smart!

  3. Kyrie good ako keep it up.

  4. Kyrie that is some amazing ako, keep it up
